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Christening Bonbonniere Veraman Pouch Christening Bonbonniere in veraman polka dots pouch with almond candies and tying of pink and white ribbons.  

Christening Decoration Wicker Basket Christening Decoration with wicker basket and arrangement made of pink hydrangeas, lisianthus, limonium and eucalyptus.  

Christening Bonbonniere Pink Pouch Christening Bonbonniere in pink polka dots pouch with almond candies and tying of pink and white ribbons.  

Baptismal Font Decoration Autumn Leaf Baptismal Font Decoration suitable for a boy and a girl with bouquets made of autumn leaf and …

Christening Candy Bar Pink Veraman Christening Candy Bar decorated with veraman trays and pink French Macarons.    

Christening Decoration Katerina Kainourgiou Godmother Katerina Kainourgiou chose our company for the Christening Decoration, in which she became a godmother. On the …

Christening Decoration Candy Bar

Christening Font Front Rope Natural Bouquets Orthodox Christening font Decoration for a boy with a natural rope to anchor the swim handle. …

Christening Candy Bar & Refreshment Lemonade & Sour Cherry Juice

Christening Font Front Hydrangeas & Olive Leaves Christening font front decoration for our boy with impressive, flower bouquets. The flowers that we …

Christning Font Front Tulle & Lace